Roller Sledge Hockey - Mondays from 5:00-6:00 PM at Kin City A


Red Deer Roller Sledge Hockey Program

Roller Sledge Hockey
Start Date: April 18th, 2016
Arena: Kin Ciy A
Every Monday until June 13th, 2016
Time: 5:00-6:00PM

Cost: FREE
For more information please email Melissa Adkins at


Roller Sledge
Roller Sledge is a new initiative brought to Red Deer in 2010. Through the very generous support of The Primary Care Network we were able to obtain 20 sleds, sticks and equipment for our sledge program.  We have operated a roller hockey drop in program since 2010 and are excited to continue the program again this year. Please watch our website for times and location.

Roller Sledge
  1. 15 minute skills program
  2. 1/3 surface games with rotating players in centre 1/3
  3. Two fifteen minute running time sessions
  4. Pond hockey nets/ no goalies
  5. 2 minute half time
  6. 1 minute whistle shifts
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact

Take a minte and watch how Gatorade supports sledge hockey!

Gatorade supports Hockey Sledge

Check out the awesome sledge hockey video